Tau 300TKEY 300TKEYD Aluminium key selector Manuel du propriétaire
TAU srl - Via Enrico Fermi, 43 - 36066 Sandrigo (VI) - Italy Tel +39 0444 750190 - Fax +39 0444 750376 www.tauitalia.com 22 PAP SELETTORE A CHIAVE 300TKEY - 300TKEYD Foglietto illustrativo - CARTA - Raccolta differenziata. Segui le indicazioni del tuo comune. Instruction leaflet - PAPER - Waste separation Follow the instructions of your city hall KEY SWITCH D-MNL0TKEY 16-04-21 rev.04 SCHLÜSSELSCHALTER CONTACTEUR INVERSOR À CLÉS A LLAVE Serratura 2 posizioni con ritorno a molla 2 microinterruttori con contatti in Contatti scambio Portata contatti Max: 250Vac - 16A / 250Vdc - 0,3A Grado di IP 44 (con prodotto installato protezione verticalmente) Illuminazione - Contacts Contact capacity Protected to Illumination Max: 250Vac - 16A / 250Vdc - 0,3A IP 44 (with item installed vertically) - Serrure 2 positions avec retour à ressort 2 microinterrupteurs avec contact Contacts en èchange Portée contacts Max: 250Vca - 16A / 250Vcc - 0,3A IP 44 (produit installé de façon Protection verticale) Éclairage - Contactos Capacidad contactos Grado de protección Iluminación mm 2 positions with spring recovery 2 microswitches with exchange contact Schloss 2 Stellungen mit Federrückgang Kontakte 2 Mikroschalter mit Wechselkontakt Stromfestigkeit Max: 250Vac - 16A / 250Vdc - 0,3A der Kontakte IP 44 (mit senkrecht installiertes Schutzart Produkt) Beleuchtung - Cerradura 74 2 posiciónes con retorno con muelle 2 microinterruptores con contacto en conmutación Max: 250Vca - 16A / 250Vcc - 0,3A IP 44 (con producto instalado sobre el lado vertical) - 86,5 mm Lock m 5m 39, 300TKEY NORMAL CYLINDER 300TKEYD EUROPEAN CYLINDER 300TSL ±12VDC/24VAC -+ 300TSL ±12VDC/24VAC -+ ELECTRICAL LAYOUT 300TKEYD IGB DFE- 1 NC NO COM COM NO NC NC NO COM COM NO NC COM 300TKEY NC = Normalmente Chiuso - NO = Normalmente Aperto NC = Normally Closed - NO = Normally Open NC = Gewöhnlich geschlossen - NO = Gewöhnlich geöffnet NC = Normalement Fermé - NO = Normalement Ouvert NC = Normalmente Cerrado - NO = Normalmente Abierto 2 NO Collegamento APRE-CHIUDE/ PEDONALE OPEN-CLOSE/ PEDESTRIAN connection Collegamento APRE - CHIUDE / STOP OPEN - CLOSE / STOP connection NC NC COM NO COM NO NO COM Al contatto APRE To OPEN contact Al contatto CHIUDE (o PEDONALE) To CLOSE (or PEDESTRIAN) contact Al contatto comune della centrale To common contact of control board COM NC Al contatto STOP To STOP contact NO COM Al contatto APRE-CHIUDE To OPEN-CLOSE contact Al contatto comune della centrale To common contact of control board ">

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